
Semana 12


This article explains what is understood as the ecoethics, and refers to a broader interpretation of human action that connects with the cultural, social and natural. Ecoethics our relationship is not only social and cultural but also the natural environment, to make all this must have corporate responsibility and accountability to the people that mean everything goes hand in hand with society to learn to live with reaching a greater harmony of wills commitment to achieve better personal and social world. ...

Biological effects of climate change
In the present study the biological effects of climate change indicated by changes in the structure and configuration of ecosystems, in relation to which ecosystem reassembly processes with other processes that dominate in the population levels of organization and individual- especially important in explaining the evolution of climate which has experienced numerous natural dynamic changes as it is for example the emission of greenhouse gases and the destruction of the ozone layer.

There are also numerous studies using simulation that seeks to provide information on future climate on Earth and provide a further increase in temperatures. Other changes have been observed in atmospheric air flow, rainfall, sea level and the development of glaciers, changes in temperature throughout the twentieth century. In the past 100 years the Earth’s temperature has risen 0.6 º C with two main periods of warming,

"Folkways" and "Mores"
This article discusses the study of culture or custom development, we use words and more to Seal the habits of a people and their old habits which have been lost over time.
The Folkways are forms of behavior accepted by the group, which relate to aspects of social life considered of minor importance. The Folkways confused with Mores sociales.Los conventions that can be defined as traditions and customs related to issues that are important for the group.
The Folkways and Mores, are rules of conduct or standards. Some rules are strictly enforced and incorporated into law, others are generally avoided. Sometimes the laws and Mores seem to be a single thing, like madamiento "Thou shall not kill." The distinction was that the laws are formalized and introduced and carry the threat of punishment from society. / servlet / article? code = 2435344

The greening of ethics
This article discusses the nature that has been forgotten by the Western moral and political philosophy, in regard to the lack of importance of nature as an object of moral consideration. From this perspective, since human nature is not devoid of rationality, could not become moral subject and it came to mean, at the same time, nor could become the object of our moral consideration.
Likewise the sense referred to the moral irrelevance of our relationship with nature has to do with the lack of observation of human impact on it.
. Simply become aware of a new type of material damage as possible, though unusual in its nature and dimensions. The welfare, happiness and even life of the human species, were being affected by our acts of nature and its relationship to human beings within an ecological network could no longer be an externality for ethics.


This article analyzes the way clear consideration of ethical behavior by individuals alter the results
expected social conflict surrounding the environmental decision-making thus improve the analytical capacity of instruments dedicated to the analysis of natural resource economics and the environment.
The nature of modern economics has been impoverished by the distance that exists between economics and ethics. They may also be useful for ethics.
It is often forgotten that the importance of the economy was raised by Aristotle in the context of providing a sufficiently wide for the analysis of ethical and political problems.
The relevance of ethics in natural resource economics is specified in the objective of sustainable exploitation of nature by the human species.
In short, a universal assumption of individual rationality can hardly be acceptable in the economic analysis of natural resources and environment, but to consider only the self as
main cause of human performance is a simplification which is not readily acceptable, since it excludes the achievement of objectives not strictly utilitarian.

Will humanity survive?
This article talks about the critical point we have reached in history. The forces generated by the economy, science and technology are powerful enough to destroy the environment, ie the physical foundation of human life.
Sometimes quite threatening conditions can occur with strong winds and dark clouds, but the storm did not arrive. The danger goes away.
The same can happen when we consider the biblical prophecies. Some well-intentioned the prophecies have been associated with certain specific geopolitical trends and events and have come to believe that biblical prophecies are being fulfilled before their eyes. But then spring into action hidden factors that alter the course of events, and the alleged danger vanishes.
In the past these false alarms have sounded, and undoubtedly
resumes. But one day befall us prophesied storm with all its devastating force, and those creepy finally fulfilled biblical prophecies.
When it happens, will you be ready?

Duties and happiness in ecoethics
The fear has been, and remains, the source of motivation to have carried out more ecoethics. This paper does not intend to abandon the appeal necessary to ecoethics fear, but to supplement it with other more positive rhetoric, focusing on the promotion of positive emotions and in the overall pursuit of happiness by the human being. Be argued that one of the challenges of making ecoethics is illustrated an ethic of happiness.

Environmental impact caused by chemical substances, illicit crops and related activities

This article mentions the environmental impact of chemicals during the past two millennia, human action has been performed in a continuous and growing a negative effect on ecosystems. The man has served the surrounding natural environment through uncontrolled processes of extraction and exploitation of these actions have been strengthened in recent decades with the increase of waste and pollutants that are continually thrown into the environment. / docs_de_base / ... / CULTIVOS_SIF.pdf

Humanity can not survive more than
a new concept of ethics: eco-ethics

Eco-ethics differs from historical ethics. The roots of eco-ethics are not in the revelation, faith or philosophy, but in scientific research, knowledge, and the compatibility between human beings and nature. The purpose of eco-ethics is not a single species but a community within which different life forms coexist.

Based on an ecological knowledge, the International Union Eco-Ethics (Eco-Ethics International Union, EEIU) develops, disseminates, and represents the new concept of ethics. Which is based on the fundamental importance of ecosystems for life on earth: the eco-ethics.
Having evolved over billions of years, is the birthplace of ecological dynamics, engine and the driving force of life. Determines the creation, development and death of all the ways in which life manifests itself on our planet, including our
own species Homo sapiens / articles / EEIU_Spanish.pdf

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